Ministry Group Information
Music Groups ~ Work Groups - Special Events

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  Trusting Christ Tract

Dear Ministerial and Volunteer Ministries:
     We are always grateful for the 1000s of hours spent each year by volunteers who help out at the Boardwalk Chapel by way of music, group activities and special events. Over the past few years we have found it beneficial to more accurately describe our expectations to those who visit us, and particularly to those who are actively involved in evangelism on the stage or out on the Boardwalk.
     The ministry of the Boardwalk Chapel is sponsored by and under the direct oversight of the Presbytery of New Jersey of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Thus, those who participate are "representing" the OPC as it proclaims the gospel to the tourists and citizens of Wildwood. While we don't ask ministry groups or work groups to subscribe to the standards of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, we considerate it only fair to you to very briefly outline our statement of faith, to clarify who may or may not participate in the Chapel programs, and expectations of ministry workers.
     It is with great joy that we have hosted thousands of Christians over the past half century of the Chapel's ministry. We hope that you will have the opportunity to serve as well.
     Please request an application ([email protected] ). Have your minister, session, consistory or church leadership board fill out the reverse side of the that application.
     Sincerely in Christ,
    Jon W. Stevenson

General Information for Ministry Workers
Individuals, families or church groups


     1. We believe the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, to be the Word of God, and its doctrine of salvation to be the perfect and only true doctrine of salvation.
     2. We believe that Christians must abhor and humble themselves before God, and that they must trust for salvation not in themselves but in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
     3. We believe that Christians must acknowledge Jesus Christ as sovereign Lord and that in reliance on the grace of God, must serve Him with all that is in them, put to death their sinful nature, and lead a godly life.
     1. We believe that man is spiritually deaf, spiritually blind, and spiritually dead, and therefore God must do something before man can hear, see, or live, and thus God will receive all the glory for man's salvation. (Eph. 2:8-9)
     2. We believe that God, of His own purpose, has from eternity determined to save a definite number of mankind, from every tribe, tongue, and nation as individuals, not for any merit or work of theirs, or any value to Him of them, but by His own good pleasure. (II Tim. 1:9)
     3. We believe that Christ suffered for all the sins of all His sheep in the whole world, and none of them will be lost. (John 10:26-28)
     4. We believe that God's almighty power is such that He can overpower man's will in such a way as to cause sinners to willingly come to Him. (Ps. 110:3)
     5. We believe that God powerfully keeps those whom He saves. (Rom. 8:35-39)
     6. We believe in summary, that faith is man's duty, but it is not within his ability (John 6:44); that eternal life is a gift that is in the hands of a sovereign giver (John 17:2); and that man's decision is a result of what God does by His Word and Spirit, and thus men lay the crown of their salvation at God's feet and not at their own, so that none should boast. (I John 4:19)


     Those who are members in good standing of a Bible believing evangelical church and who have been approved by their session, consistory or leadership board will be considered for the public portions of the ministry at the Chapel.
     If individuals, work groups or families (parents and children alike) are not members of a church, they should not participate in the public portions of the Chapel ministry.  Those who help with construction and maintenance, or come to provide background support with a sponsoring church, will not, however, have to meet the same criteria as those who engage in public ministry.
     The Chapel's stress on the accountability of Christians to the local church is central. Christians need to fulfill their greater responsibility to identify with a local church before publicly  entering into official missions work.

Note: Many of our Christian friends who wish to participate in the Chapel ministry believe that women may hold ordained offices in the church (click for more info) or believe that the gifts of public healing and the speaking in tongues (click for more info) are Biblical modern day practices. If you or your church hold to these teachings, we respectfully ask that you refrain from submitting an application to participate in the Chapel program. May God bless you in your ministry.


The evening program
          All who participate will be approved in advance by the director or his representative.
           -They (including children) will be members in good standing of a Bible believing church
           -They will be recommended by their session to participate in the ministry.
          The program Is under the complete control of the director or his representative.
           -Lyrics to songs, skit content and sermon material is subject to the final approval of the director.

The Lord's Day
     The whole day is to be set aside for worship. Those who participate during the week are expected to attend the Sunday services of Calvary OPC or another Bible believing church.
     Travel to and from Wildwood will be discouraged unless for continued ministry that day at another location. To minister during the week and then use the Lord's Day for travel, fishing or other relaxation is not acceptable. (On several occasions groups or families have felt that ministering during the week frees them from the observance of the 4th Commandment.)
     Ministry groups ought therefore to refrain from ministry on Saturday if Lord's day travel is necessary to meet Monday morning obligations. The practical result of this policy is to encourage departure from the Chapel either Saturday or Monday. The exception is, of course, if the departure times make it possible for attendance at one's home church worship services. (morning and/or evening worship).

Group Ministry Check List

I.   Introduction
  A.   The primary activities of the Chapel ministry
   1.   Evening program practices (morning or afternoon)
   2.   Evening evangelistic programs (8:00 - 9:00 p.m.) include:
      a.   Preaching by visiting Minister
      b.   Exhortation by an elder or intern or summer assistant
      c.   Music
      d.   Testimonies (Chapel approved format)
      e.   Skits (less than three minutes) - applications  made by someone "out of character."
    3.   Evening evangelism on the Boardwalk (9:30 -  10:30 p.m.)
       a.   Not required of ministering groups
       b.   Allowed on an individual basis after a time of training
     4.   Evening tract distribution in front of the Chapel
     5.   Chapel evangelism during the day
    B.   Supportive activities
     1.   Maintenance and construction
     2.   Cleaning
     3.   Cooking
     4.   Special projects
    C.   Miscellaneous
     1.   Conducting a neighborhood ministry
     2.   Visiting nursing homes
     3.   Distributing literature door to door
II.  Responsibilities of Visiting Ministry Groups
    A.   Leaders
      1.   Leaders will be responsible for developing a schedule around the Chapel ministry
        a.   Sample Day
            (1)  Devotions / personal time
            (2)  Breakfast crew / Cleanup crew
            (3)  Morning Activities (usually two of the following are included)
                (a)  Group Bible study (this should be a fixed activity all week)
                (b)  A Chapel seminar on a particular topic of training
                (c)  Two hour maintenance project
                (d)  Practice for the evening program
             (4)  Lunch crew / Cleanup crew
             (5)  Afternoon activities
                (a)  Practice for evening program
                (b)  Training
                (c)  Beach evangelism
                (d)  Keep Chapel open for visitors
                (e)  Free time or group activity
                       i)   to Cape May
                      ii)  to Cape May County Zoo
                      iii) to beach
                     iv)  to water parks or rides
             (6)  Supper crew / Cleanup crew
             (7)  Evening program
                 (a)  7:00 p.m. at the Chapel for  program preparation
                 (b)  7:45 p.m. prayer
                 (c)  8:00 p.m. program
                 (d)  9:30 p.m.
                       i)   evangelism,
                      ii)  tract distribution
                     iii) group activity on the boards or rides
             (8)  Late night
                 (a)  Must be in by midnight (mandatory)
                 (b)  Late snack / devotions
                 (c)  Lights out by 1:00 a.m.
           b.   Sundays
             (1)  A Day of rest
             (2)  Attendance at Sunday morning and  Sunday evening services at Calvary  OPC is required.
             (3)  No shopping, rides, or frivolous activities
             (4)  Please do not use Sunday for travel to or from the Chapel
         2.  Leaders will notify the Chapel director of all  intended activities
         3.  Leaders will prepare their staff in advance of their arrival in Wildwood
       B.   Young people
         1.   While covenant children and non-covenant are invited to stay at the Chapel
           a.  Only covenant children or church members will participate on the Chapel stage
           b.  The unsaved will not be invited to participate in any evangelism activity or Chapel program.
           c.  Generally those over 18 who are not members of a Bible believing church should  not participate in the Chapel ministry.
         2.  They are to bring (and of course you can add or subtract from this list.)
           a. Personal effects
             (1)  Bible
             (2)  toiletries
             (3)  bed roll/sleeping bag and pillow
             (4)  several changes of clothes
             (5)  snack or play money ($20.00 - $30.00  suggested for snacks on boards plus rides)
            b. Permission from parents for the trip
             (1)  indicating medical needs
             (2)  giving approval for medical treatment
         3. Will be sent home at their own expense if unacceptable behavior is encountered.
 III. Finances
    A.   The group is responsible for
         1.   Travel
         2.   Food
         3.   Personal needs
         4.   "Play" money
         5.   Donations to the Chapel are not expected but they are appreciated.
      B.   The Chapel provides
          1.   Living quarters
          2.   All utility expenses
          3.   Materials for special projects
          4.   Free access to beach and ocean
IV.  The Chapel program
     A.   All music and skits must be approved by the Director or Summer Assistants
     B.   Please do not used photocopied music or re-recorded   music for vocal backgrounds (we are trying to make every effort to abide by copyright laws)
     C.   All scripture applications in skits must be done by a "real" person out of character.
     D.   All those appearing on stage will wear casual but clean clothing (no shorts, sweats, or T-shirts), slacks required for the gents; dresses or nice slacks for the ladies. (Neat jeans are ok)
     E.   Do not assume that the director will think something is "OK". Check and double check with him about anything you do. You are representing the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in everything that you do. He is responsible to the Presbytery of New Jersey of the  OPC for all that transpires at the Chapel


I.   Paul's Testimony (Acts 26, Acts 22)
   A.   Religious history
      1.   Jew of Jews
      2.   Pharisee
      3.   Taught by Gamaliel
   B.   Rebellion against God
      1.   Persecuting Christians
      2.   Opposing name of Christ
   C.   How Christ came to save Saul/Paul
      1.   Vision
      2.   Blinding
      3.   Commission
    D.   Since salvation
      1.   Preaching Christ to Gentiles
      2.   In chains for Gospel
      3.   Preaching repentance proven by deeds
    E.   Purposes of Paul's Testimony
      1.   Glory of God
      2.   Preaching Christ
      3.   Showing how Biblical promises were answered
II.       Your Testimony
    A.        Should
       1.   Bring Glory to God
       2.   Proclaim the Gospel
       3.   Give concrete examples of Biblical truth
   B.        Mechanics
      1.   No longer than 3 minutes
      2.   Follow 3 points of Paul (These are the 3 points of a Chapel Testimony)
        a.   Your life before Christ
        b.   The circumstances that  brought you to Christ
        c.   Since conversation what has  your life been like
      3.   Include a Bible verse
      4.   Have a good introduction
         a.   Interesting
         b.   True
         c.   May be a Bible Verse
      5.   Focus on Christ's work
      6.   Therefore, don't focus on intricate details of your pre Christian life--only as to edify.
      7.   Be yourself
      8.   But have energy. Christ has saved you, therefore  Practice it!
     10.  Talk to the audience, not at them
     11.  Include the basic Gospel message
     12.  Have an outline (see practicum)
     13.  Use your creativity
     14.  Stick with one testimony outline for now (you may modify it later)


 STEP 1:   Pray that God will have you share what will honor Him.
 STEP 2:   Create an outline of your testimony.
 INTRO: (keep short)
      BEFORE CONVERSION: I was......
      HOW YOU CAME TO TRUST IN CHRIST: One of the situations (or friends, or people, or verses) that God used.....
      SINCE I HAVE TRUSTED IN CHRIST: I now look  forward too.....     Life is not always easy but....
      THE BIBLE VERSE I WILL USE: The Scripture can be used at the end...  i.e. "My favorite scripture verse is.....     Or you may use the Scripture verse in with a certain part of your testimony.
STEP 3: Re-read your outline. Are there any exaggerations? Is it humble? Does it point to Christ? Will anything detract from the message? Revise where needed.
STEP 4: Read your outline to someone else within the next few days. Iron sharpens iron, so accept their criticism.
The giver of a testimony will not challenge the listeners. Since he or she is only reporting what God has done in his or her life the testimony can just simply stop with a polite thank you.

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  Map | Purpose of Chapel | A Brief History | Qualifications T raining    | Summer Speakers
  A night on the Boards | God's Word | Chapel faq | OPC Home Page | Jesus Is God
  Group Ministry Guidelines-NEW | Trusting Christ Tract